[wordpress插件] WordPress支付宝Alipay|财付通Tenpay|贝宝PayPal集成插件WordPress Alipay Alipay | Tenpay | Paypal PayPal Integration Plugin

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-15 16:40 625 0 全屏看文







Update log

    • 3.7 兼容WP3.9
    • 3.7 compatible with WP3.9

    • 3.7 右键模版美化
    • 3.7 Right-click template beautification

    • 3.7 修复些许bug
    • 3.7 fix some bugs


    Look forward to the arrival of 4.0 !!!


    Link table

      For Non Chinese Users

      For Non Chinese Users

        • Most of you take a good use of Paypal, I don't think this plugin is suitable for you though this version of the plugin support Paypal well, for your nation's culture and your style. But welcome to use it if you think

        • Most of you take a good use of Paypal, I don't think this plugin is suitable for you though this version of the plugin support Paypal well, for your nation's culture and your style. But welcome to use it if you think

          it is perfect for you or there if an ability for you to change it into your style!

        • it is perfect for you or there if an ability for you to change it into your style!


        Latest version features

          • 【多接口支持】完美支持国内通用的支付宝,财付通以及国际通用的Paypal接口和20

          • [Multi-interface support] Perfect support for domestic universal Alipay , TenPay and international universal Paypal interface and 20


          • Yujia Direct Internet Banking !

          • 【后台统一管理】目前在后台支持商品管理,订单管理,模版管理,统一管理,功能分离,方便直观

          • [Background unified management] Currently supports Commodity management , Order management , Template management in the background, unified management, separated functions, convenient and intuitive


          • !

          • 【短代码快捷添加】只需要在文章中输入[zfb id=123]字样的短代码就可以快捷的调用指定的商品!
          • [Quick add of short code] Just enter [zfb id = 123] in the article to quickly call the specified product!

          • 【模版样式自定义】支持自定义模版的样式,定制专属于贵站的风格模版!
          • [Template style customization] Support custom template styles, customize style templates that are unique to your site!

          • 【独立支付页面】简洁的WPUI风格独立支付页面,加速付款速度,排除付款障碍!

          • [Independent payment page] The simple WPUI style independent payment page speeds up payment and eliminates payment obstacles!

          • 【自助边栏广告】一次设置,永久自动!

          • [Self-help sidebar advertisement] One time setting, permanent and automatic!

          • 【自助友链交易】给您的博客带来额外的收入!

          • [Self-help friend chain transaction] Bring extra income to your blog!

          • 【阶梯价格支持】让价格更加科学化,营销时代,价格你说了算!

          • [Ladder price support] Make the price more scientific. In the marketing era, you have the price!

          • 【自动发货】支持虚拟商品自动发货!

          • [Auto Delivery] Supports automatic delivery of virtual goods!


            Download link, decompress password Shenma are all clouds!

          • 【自动货源】让自动发货不再死板,让所发的货物更自动!

          • [Automatic source] Make automatic delivery no longer rigid, and make the goods sent more automatic!

          • 【定时促销】设置打折比率,触发消费激情!

          • [Timing Promotion] Set discount rate to trigger consumption passion!

          • 【安全稳定】验证用户输入数据的正确性和合法性,防止价格篡改,禁止SQL注入!
          • [Security and stability] Verify the correctness and legality of user input data, prevent price tampering, and prohibit SQL injection!

          • 【隐私保护】专为接口使用者提供接口密钥独立设置机制,提升密钥保护等级!
          • 【Privacy Protection】 Provide interface key independent setting mechanism for interface users to improve key protection level!

          • 【异步加载全新体验】后台控制面板采用AJAX异步加载技术为您减少带宽!
          • [New experience of asynchronous loading] The background control panel uses AJAX asynchronous loading technology to reduce your bandwidth!


          Latest version defect

            • 【弱支持商城函数】尚未提供商品堆输出函数,也未提供分类,标签支持!
            • [Weakly supported mall function] The product heap output function is not yet provided, nor is the classification, label support!

            • 【弱支持主题集成】考虑到加载速度以及弱支持商城的态度的问题,将付款页面独立了出来!
            • [Weak support theme integration] Considering the loading speed and the attitude of the weak support mall, the payment page is independent!

            • 【弱支持购物车】秉持着弱支持商城的态度和购物习惯,更倾向于单件商品的购买!
            • [Weakly supported shopping cart] Adhering to the attitude of weakly supporting the mall and shopping habits, it is more inclined to purchase single items!

            • 【订单搜索功能】该版本对于搜索功能支持得不是很好,在下一个版本中将会得到提升!

            • [Order search function] This version does not support the search function very well, and will be improved in the next version!


            Future development direction of plugin

              • 【保持弱商城支持】下一个版本任然会秉持着弱商城支持的态度进行开发!考虑到在商城方面WP没有这个文化,要开启一个WP商城新纪元并不是一个插件就能实现的,

              • [Keep weak mall support] The next version will still develop with the attitude of weak mall support! Considering that WP does not have this culture in the mall, to open a new era of WP mall is not a plug-in,


                This may take time to accumulate and the development attitude of WP. As we have seen, WP is an excellent blogging program! But such an excellent program for blogging seems a bit wasteful, and we will keep for blogging


              • Make fun Attitude!

              • 【兼容三次开发性,规范核心代码】插件相对于父程序来说本来就是一个二次开发,在保持自身的稳定性的前提下为WP第三次个性开发提供支付接口也是我们的努力

              • [Compatible with three developments, standard core code] The plug-in is a secondary development compared to the parent program. It is also our effort to provide a payment interface for the third personality development of WP while maintaining its own stability.


              • Direction!


    1. 下载(在此页面下载或者通过你的wordpress后台搜索插件alipay-donate)并安装继而启用之.
    2. Download (download on this page or search your plugin alipay-donate through the WordPress background) and install it and enable it.

    3. 启用后到该插件的独立设置面板控制板-设置-集成支付宝进行相关设置.
    4. After enabling, go to the plugin's independent settings panel Control Panel-Settings-Integrated Alipay to make related settings.

    5. 集成支付宝的设置面板中点击常规设置,设置好您的支付宝或财付通或Paypal密钥
    6. Go to the settings panel of Integrated Alipay and click General Settings to set up your Alipay or Tenpay or Paypal key

    7. 模版管理面板中添加一个新模版.并添加好HTML语言
    8. Add a new template to the Template management panel. And add a good HTML language

    9. 商品管理面板中添加一个新商品.在模版选择字段中填写刚才创建的模版的ID
    10. Add a new product to the Product Management panel. Fill in the ID of the template you just created in the Template Selection field

    11. 创建新文章,将[zfb id=100]短代码写入到文章中,预览之,应该就可以看到您的商品了
    12. Create a new article, write the [zfb id = 100] short code into the article, preview it, and you should see your product.








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