[wordpress插件] Algorithmia算法

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-15 13:20 676 0 全屏看文






Add the power of AI algorithms to your WordPress website!


Algorithmia is a scalable microservices platform that provides AI Algorithms you can call from an API.


This plugin uses the Algorithmia PHP client and wraps three of those algorithms (noted below) and provides a template you can use to easily add any algorithm from the marketplace to your website.

该插件使用Algorithmia PHP客户端,并包装了其中的三种算法(如下所示),并提供了一个模板,您可以使用该模板轻松地将市场中的任何算法添加到您的网站。

Installing this plugin and adding your Algorithmia API key (sign-up required) will allow you to:

安装此插件并添加您的Algorithmia API密钥(需要注册)将使您能够:



    1. Auto-tagging (in alt-text) of uploaded image files – Upload an image file and an algorithm will recognize the objects in your image and add the lables automatically to your alt-text.

    2. 已上传图像文件的自动标记(以替代文本形式)–上传图像文件,算法将识别图像中的对象并将标签自动添加到替代文本中。

      This is important for SEO and helpful for categorizing your photos.

    3. 这对于SEO很重要,并且有助于对照片进行分类。

    4. Nudity detection of uploaded image files – An algorithm will detect nudity in an uploaded image and either tag it as ‘nudity’ in the alt-text or optionally block the upload (depending on your settings).
    5. 检测上载图像文件的裸露–一种算法将检测上载图像中的裸露,并在替代文本中将其标记为“裸露”,或选择阻止上载(取决于您的设置)。

    6. Post summarizer – Every post will be summarized into a brief sentence or two and the summary pre-pended to the post!

    7. 帖子摘要–每个帖子都会被摘要成一两个简短的句子,并且摘要会附加在帖子之前!

      This is a fun example of how to add your own algorithm to this plugin.

    8. 这是一个有趣的示例,说明如何向此插件添加自己的算法。

    This plugin is meant to be a platform that developers can use to easily add new algorithms.


    1. First, browse to the Algorithmia Marketplace and discover one of the many algorithms available that you want to use in your website

    1.首先,浏览到 Algorithmia市场,并找到要在网站中使用的众多可用算法之一


    1. Determine which WordPress hook or filter you want to add to insert some artificial intelligence into the workflow.

    1.确定要添加哪个 WordPress钩子或过滤器,以将一些人工智能插入工作流程。



    1. Copy one of the examples that you can find in this plugin’s /algorithms directory, rename it and edit it with your developer ninja skills.

    1.复制您可以在此插件的/ algorithms目录中找到的示例之一,重命名并使用开发人员的忍者技能对其进行编辑。

    1. Repeat!


    and be amazed at how easy it is to add AI to your site with just a single API call!



This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


    1. Register for an account on https://algorithmia.com and take note of your API key.
    2. 在https://algorithmia.com上注册一个帐户,并记下您的API密钥。

    3. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/algorithmia-ai directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
    4. 将插件文件上传到 / wp-content / plugins / algorithmia-ai 目录,或直接通过WordPress插件屏幕安装插件。

    5. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
    6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”屏幕激活插件

    7. Use the Settings->Algorithmia screen to configure the plugin (including adding in your API key)
    8. 使用“设置”->“算法”屏幕来配置插件(包括添加API密钥)








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