[wordpress插件] Aitasi Coming Soon您即将来临

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-13 03:00 737 0 全屏看文






Aitasi Coming Soon is a modern, beautiful, Responsive and full width professional landing page that’ll help you create a stunning coming soon page or Maintenance Mode pages instantly without any coding or design skills.


You can work on your site while visitors see a “Coming Soon” or “Maintenance Mode” page.


It is very easy & quick to install in your WordPress installed website.


    AITASI Benefits & Features


      • 100% Mobile Friendly Responsive Layout
      • 100%移动友好的响应式布局

      • Workable with any WordPress Theme
      • 可与任何WordPress主题一起使用

      • Visible only to non-logged in users or visitors
      • 仅对未登录的用户或访问者可见

      • Flexible, simple and user friendly set up
      • 灵活,简单且用户友好的设置

      • Very easy to use as coming soon landing page
      • 非常容易使用,即将登陆页面

      • Create a stunning coming soon landing page instantly
      • 立即创建一个惊人的即将登陆页面

      • Set Countdown time easily from plugin’s setting
      • 通过插件设置轻松设置倒计时时间

      • Unlimited Background color changing options
      • 无限的背景颜色更改选项

      • You can add your company logo to your landing page or coming soon page
      • 您可以将公司徽标添加到目标网页或即将推出的页面

      • Social Profiles & Social Sharing Buttons
      • 社交资料和社交分享按钮

      • Add your social icons to your landing page and coming soon page
      • 将社交图标添加到目标网页和即将推出的页面

      • Full Browser Backgrounds option
      • “全部浏览器背景”选项

      • Developer friendly and Easy to customize
      • 开发人员友好且易于自定义

      • Fully Customizable the Look and Feel
      • 完全自定义外观

      • Coded with WordPress Code standard and light weight
      • 使用WordPress代码标准和轻量级进行编码

      Pro Version Features (Ultimate Coming Soon Landing Page)


        • Add your custom Youtube Video Background
        • 添加自定义的Youtube视频背景

        • Add your custom Image Background to make unique landing page or coming soon page
        • 添加您的自定义图像背景以制作独特的登录页面或即将推出的页面

        • Add Service Section with Service Title and Unlimited adding Services
        • 添加带有服务标题和无限添加服务的服务部分

        • Add Team Member Section with Title and Unlimited adding Team Members
        • 添加具有标题的团队成员部分,并无限添加团队成员

        • Add a custom description to your landing page or coming soon page
        • 在目标网页或即将推出的页面中添加自定义说明

        • Customize the headline and subtitle for your landing page or coming soon page
        • 为您的着陆页或即将推出的页面自定义标题和字幕

        • Add Team member Socials profile links
        • 添加团队成员的社交个人资料链接

        • Mailchimp is integrated for email list Management
        • Mailchimp已集成用于电子邮件列表管理

        • Launch a one page coming soon site and collect emails from Subscription Form
        • 启动一个即将推出的页面,并从订阅表中收集电子邮件

        • Contact Form is available to contact with admin instantly
        • 联系表格可立即与管理员联系

        • Enable or Disable many elements and you can customize the text even more
        • 启用或禁用许多元素,您甚至可以自定义更多文本

        • Control wp_footer on your coming soon landing pages
        • 在即将登陆的页面上控制wp_footer

        • Custom footer copyright text and branding
        • 自定义页脚版权文本和品牌

        • And more options…
        • 还有更多选择...


Using The WordPress Dashboard


    1. Navigate to the ‘Add New’ in the plugins dashboard
    2. 导航至插件仪表板中的“添加新项”

    3. Search for ‘Aitasi Coming Soon’
    4. 搜索“即将推出的Aitasi”

    5. Click ‘Install Now’
    6. 点击“立即安装”

    7. Activate the plugin on the Plugin dashboard
    8. 在“插件”信息中心上激活插件

    9. Go to Settings > Aitasi Settings to configure the plugin
    10. 转到“设置”>“ Aitasi设置”以配置插件

    Uploading in WordPress Dashboard


      1. Navigate to the ‘Add New’ in the plugins dashboard
      2. 导航至插件仪表板中的“添加新项”

      3. Navigate to the ‘Upload’ area
      4. 导航到“上传”区域

      5. Select ‘aitasi-coming-soon.zip’ from your computer
      6. 从计算机中选择“ aitasi-coming-soon.zip”

      7. Click ‘Install Now’
      8. 点击“立即安装”

      9. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard
      10. 在“插件”信息中心中激活插件

      11. Go to Settings > Aitasi Settings to configure the plugin
      12. 转到“设置”>“ Aitasi设置”以配置插件

      Using FTP


        1. Download ‘Aitasi Coming Soon’ Plugin
        2. 下载“ Aitasi即将推出”插件

        3. Extract the ‘aitasi-coming-soon’ directory to your computer
        4. 将“ aitasi-coming-soon”目录提取到您的计算机中

        5. Upload the ‘aitasi-coming-soon’ directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
        6. 将“ aitasi-coming-soon”目录上传到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

        7. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard
        8. 在“插件”信息中心中激活插件

        9. Go to Settings > Aitasi Settings to configure the plugin
        10. 转到“设置”>“ Aitasi设置”以配置插件








钻级赞助商 我要加入



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