[wordpress插件] 3CX Webinars3CX网络研讨会

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-01-21 16:20 737 0 全屏看文






The Webinars via 3CX PBX enables you to easily publish Webinars you create via the 3CX Web Client, wherever you want on your WordPress website.

通过3CX PBX进行的网络研讨会使您可以轻松地通过3CX Web客户端发布您要在WordPress网站上创建的网络研讨会。

Visitors can subscribe to your webinars at the click of a button, while you can monitor subscriptions through the 3CX Web Client’s “Schedule Conference” function.

访问者只需单击一个按钮即可订阅您的网络研讨会,而您可以通过3CX Web Client的“计划会议”功能监视订阅。

The plugin can be customized through templates using open standards (Javascript and HTML).


The Webinars via 3CX PBX plugin is completely free but requires 3CX Phone System to be installed.

通过3CX PBX插件进行的网络研讨会是完全免费的,但需要安装3CX电话系统。

3CX Phone System is free for unlimited users – you can install it in your office on Linux or Windows or on an Amazon Lightsail or Google Cloud instance for $5 per month.

无限用户免费使用3CX电话系统–您可以在办公室中的Linux或Windows或Amazon Lightsail或Google Cloud实例上安装它,每月需支付5美元。

Get 3CX here: https://www.3cx.com/phone-system/

在此处获取3CX: https://www.3cx.com/phone-system/


download-phone-system /



    • Link Webinar forms anywhere on your website using shortcodes
    • 使用简码在网站上的任何地方链接网络研讨会表单

    • Enable visitors to subscribe to Webinars using their name and email address
    • 允许访问者使用其姓名和电子邮件地址订阅网络研讨会

    • List Webinar details including time and date, duration, location and subscribers
    • 列出网络研讨会详细信息,包括时间和日期,持续时间,位置和订阅者

    • Display Webinars linked to 3CX Extensions anywhere on your website
    • 在您网站的任何位置显示链接到3CX扩展的网络研讨会

    • Use the built-in webinar functionality of 3CX PBX from your WordPress website
    • 从您的WordPress网站使用3CX PBX的内置网络研讨会功能

    • Webinars functionality is absolutely free for unlimited users via 3CX PBX Pro edition
    • 通过3CX PBX Pro版,无限量用户绝对可以免费使用网络研讨会功能

    • No monthly subscriptions per user
    • 每个用户没有每月订阅



    For troubleshooting issues with the 3CX Webinars plugin please visit our

    有关 3CX网络研讨会插件的疑难解答问题,请访问我们的

    href="https://www.3cx.com/community/forums/webmeeting-video-conferencing/" rel="nofollow">forums page.

    href =“ https://www.3cx.com/community/forums/webmeeting-video-conferencing/” rel =“ nofollow”>论坛页面。

    3CX customers can also use their log in details to open a support ticket in the 3CX Customer Portal.

    3CX客户还可以使用其登录详细信息在 3CX客户门户中打开支持凭单。


    1. Go to “Plugins” > “Add New” in WordPress admin, search for 3CX Webinars and click on “Install Now”.
    2. system / webinar-wordpress /“ rel =” nofollow“> 3CX网络研讨会,然后点击“立即安装”

    3. When the installation completes, switch to the 3CX v16+ Management Console, go to Settings > WordPress > Webmeeting / Webinar Plugin section and click

    4. 安装完成后,切换到3CX v16 +管理控制台,转到设置> WordPress > Webmeeting /网络研讨会插件部分,然后单击

      “Generate” to create a new Webmeeting API token, authorizing the plugin to request and publish the webinar list on your WordPress site.

    5. “生成” 以创建新的 Webmeeting API令牌,授权插件请求并在您的WordPress网站上发布网络研讨会列表。

    6. Click on “Show” to display the Webmeeting API token and click on the “Copy” icon to use the token on your WordPress site.

    7. 单击“显示” 以显示Webmeeting API令牌,然后单击“复制” 图标以在WordPress网站上使用该令牌。

      Now you can create Webinar Forms to publish webinars for your WordPress site’s visitors in specific pages, posts or even site-wide.

    8. 现在,您可以创建网络研讨会表单,以在特定页面,帖子甚至整个网站上为WordPress网站的访问者发布网络研讨会。

    9. To create a new “Webinar Form” in your WordPress site administration panel, click on the “3CX Webinars” sidebar link and then on “Add New

    10. 要在WordPress网站管理面板中创建新的“网络研讨会表单” ,请单击“ 3CX网络研讨会” 侧边栏链接,然后单击“添加新的


      Refer to the plugin's on-line guide and follow the built-in


      field help tooltips to guide you to configure:


      a) “WebMeeting FQDN” – the WebMeeting FQDN (usually ends in 3cx.net) specified in the Dashboard > Information section of the 3CX PBX

      a)“ WebMeeting FQDN” –在3CX PBX的仪表板> 信息部分中指定的WebMeeting FQDN(通常以3cx.net结尾)

      Management Console.


      b) “WebMeeting API Token” – paste the 32 chars token copied previously from Settings > WordPress > Webmeeting / Webinar Plugin

      b)“ WebMeeting API令牌” –粘贴先前从 Settings > WordPress > Webmeeting /网络研讨会插件

      strong> section of the 3CX PBX Management Console.

      3CX PBX管理控制台的“ strong>”部分。

      c) “3CX Extension Number” – specify the 3CX PBX extension number from which to retrieve the webinar list.

      c)“ 3CX分机号” –指定要从中检索网络研讨会列表的3CX PBX分机号。

      d) Use the rest of the fields to customize the 3CX Webinars plugin functionality on your website and click “Save

      d)使用其余字段在您的网站上自定义 3CX网络研讨会插件功能,然后单击“保存

      when done.

    11. Test out the new Webinar Form in a post, a page or even site-wide using the plugin's shortcode format [3cx-webinar id=”9″ title=”Upcoming Webinars”]

    12. 使用插件的简码格式[3cx-webinar id =” 9” title =“即将举行的网络研讨会”,在帖子,页面或整个站点范围内测试新的网络研讨会表单










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