[wordpress插件] Advanced Addons for ElementorElementor的高级插件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-06 13:40 713 0 全屏看文






It’s time to take your Elementor page building experience to the next level.

是时候将您的 Elementor 页面构建经验提升到一个新的水平。

It’s time to experience the most unique Elementor widgets with the most advanced options.


It’s time for Advanced Addons for Elementor.

是时候开始 Elementor的高级插件了。

With our 35+ advanced widgets you can create slick and sophisticated websites in less time with no coding required.


Each widget is highly customizable, has trendy and unique design and lots of advanced options.


So you can literelly create anything you want, only sky is the limit!




We packed 30+ most useful widgets with unique designs to enhance your Elementor Page Building experience.

我们打包了30多个最有用的具有独特设计的小部件,以增强您的Elementor Page Building体验。

    1. Post Grid – 2/3/4 column post grid
    2. 帖子网格 – 2/3/4列帖子网格

    3. Post Masonry – 2/3/4 column post masonry style
    4. 砌石 – 2/3/4列砌石风格

    5. Post List – Show you posts in list styles
    6. 帖子列表 –以列表样式显示帖子

    7. Post Carousel – Even you can create carousel from your posts
    8. 帖子轮播 –甚至您都可以从帖子中创建轮播

    9. Team Member – Feature your team members with few clicks
    10. 团队成员 –只需单击几下即可突出您的团队成员

    11. Alerts – Take alert styles to next level
    12. 警报 –将警报样式提高到下一个水平

    13. Inline Notices – Show notices in boxes
    14. 在线通知 –在框中显示通知

    15. Quotes Card – Feature quotes in style
    16. 报价卡 –样式中的功能报价

    17. Logo Carousel – Highlight brands/product logos in carousel
    18. 徽标轮播 –在轮播中突出显示品牌/产品徽标

    19. Tabs – Include tab to put information in different styles
    20. 标签 –包含选项卡,用于以不同样式放置信息

    21. Advanced Buttons – Forget about the boring default buttons
    22. 高级按钮 –忘记无聊的默认按钮

    23. Dual Buttons – Bual buttons are perfect for ecommerce and promotions
    24. 双重按钮 –双重按钮非常适合电子商务和促销活动

    25. Timeline – Interactive timeline to show various contents
    26. 时间轴 –显示各种内容的交互式时间轴

    27. Search Box – Put a search box anywhere
    28. 搜索框 –将搜索框放在任何地方

    29. Divider – Section divider with 4 styles
    30. 分隔线 –具有4种样式的分段分隔线

    31. Icon Box – Create beautiful icon boxes using icons, links and texts, and make them slick using the built

    32. 图标框 –使用图标,链接和文本创建漂亮的图标框,并使用内置的图标框使其光滑

      in positioning features

    33. 定位功能中

    34. Promo Box – – Showcare your content heading in amazing way
    35. 促销框 – –以惊人的方式展示内容标题

    36. Image Compare – Let your viewers compare between two images
    37. 图像比较 –让观看者在两幅图像之间进行比较

    38. Fun Factors – Show your facts & figures with counter widget
    39. 有趣的因素 –使用计数器小部件显示事实和数据

    40. Progress Bar – Display progress bars with 4+ different styles
    41. 进度栏 –显示具有4种以上不同样式的进度栏

    42. Countdown – Create sense of urgency with this widget.

    43. 倒计时 –使用此小部件营造紧迫感。

      It’s perfect for under construction pages, events, sale items, etc

    44. 非常适合在建页面,活动,销售商品等

    45. Testimonial Card – Showcase what other said about your brand & Increase Your Credibility
    46. 证明卡 –展示其他人对您的品牌的评价,并提高您的信誉

    47. Testimonial Slider – Showcase what other said about your brand & Increase Your Credibility in interactive sliders

    48. 见证滑块 –在互动滑块中展示其他人对您品牌的评价并提高可信度



    49. Pricing Table – SCreate beautiful pricing tables with lots of customizations and sleek look-n-

    50. 定价表 –通过许多自定义和时尚外观创建精美的定价表-

      feel using this widget

    51. 使用此小部件的感觉

    52. Pricing Menu – Create beautiful pricing menu with lots of customizations using this widget

    53. 定价菜单 –使用此小部件创建带有许多自定义内容的精美定价菜单



    54. Instagram Feed – Showcase your Instagram photos to your visitor
    55. Instagram Feed –向您的访客展示Instagram照片

    56. Twitter Feed – Showcase your latest tweets to your visitor
    57. Twitter Feed –向访问者展示最新推文

    58. Facebook Feed – Showcase your latest tweets to your visitor
    59. Facebook Feed –向访问者展示最新推文

    60. Dribbble Feed – Showcase your latest tweets to your visitor
    61. Dribbble Feed –向访问者展示最新推文

    62. Advanced Google Maps – Showcase interactive google maps
    63. 高级Google地图 –展示交互式Google地图

    64. Gravity Forms – Completely customizable and you can control any styling.
    65. 重力窗体 –完全可定制,您可以控制任何样式。

    66. Ninja Forms – Easily create your form style just the way you want
    67. 忍者表单 –以您想要的方式轻松创建表单样式

    68. Caldera Forms – Design effective mobile-friendly forms
    69. Caldera表单 –设计有效的移动友好表单

    70. WPForms – Create powerful WordPress forms in minutes
    71. WPForms –在几分钟内创建功能强大的WordPress表单

    72. weForms – Get the fastest form building experience
    73. weForms –获得最快的表单构建体验

    74. MailChimp for WP – Get beautiful MailChimp newsletter subcription form
    75. 用于WP的MailChimp –获取精美的MailChimp新闻简报订阅表

    More free widgets and design variations coming every week!




      • 35+ Advanced Widgets: Use Advanced Addons unique templates and sections to design your website and stand out from the crowd.


      • Completely Customizable: Every element comes with bunch of options to control every possible things.


        You can achieve any design with your imagination.


      • Elements Control Panel and Settings Page: Enable and disable individual elements to make your page loading faster and smoother.


        You can deactivate unnecessary widgets to keep the site lite.


      • Lightning Fast: No extra resources or messy codes to slow down your website.


        Optimized for super fast loading and instant live editing.


      • Expert Support: We have an extra-ordinary support team ready to help you.


        Ask your questions in the support forum, or contact us directly through our contact form.


      Documentation and Support


        • For documentation and tutorials go to our Documentation.
        • 有关文档和教程的信息,请访问我们的文档

        • If you have any more questions, visit our support on the Plugin's Forum.

        • 如果还有其他疑问,请访问插件论坛



        • For more information about features, FAQs and documentation, check out our website at Advanced Addons for Elementor.<

        • 有关功能,常见问题解答和文档的更多信息,请访问我们的网站,网址为 Elementor高级插件。<


          / li>

        Report Bugs or Contribute


        Bug reports are welcomed on GitHub.

        欢迎在 GitHub 上查看错误报告。

        Please note GitHub is not a support forum, and issues that aren’t properly qualified as bugs will be closed.


        If you want to contribute on this project, please fork the repository from Github.



It's really easy to install Advanced Addons for Elementor plugin, but before installing it make sure you've installed Elementor

安装用于Elementor的高级插件真的很容易,但是在安装它之前,请确保已安装 Elementor


Elementor is the only dependency.


Minimum Requirements


    • WordPress 4.7 or greater
    • WordPress 4.7或更高版本

    • PHP version 5.6 or greater
    • PHP 5.6或更高版本

    • MySQL version 5.0 or greater
    • MySQL 5.0或更高版本

    We recommend your host supports:


      • PHP version 7.0 or greater
      • PHP 7.0或更高版本

      • MySQL version 5.6 or greater
      • MySQL 5.6或更高版本

      • WordPress Memory limit of 128 MB or greater
      • WordPress内存限制为128 MB或更大

      Automatic Installation


        1. Go to Plugins > Add New screen in WordPress.
        2. 在WordPress中转到插件>添加新屏幕。

        3. Search for Advanced Addons for Elementor.
        4. 搜索 Elementor的高级插件

        5. Install and activate the plugin, that’s it.
        6. 安装并激活插件即可。

        Manual Installation


          1. Download Advanced Addons for Elementor

          2. 下载Elementor的高级插件


          3. Extract the 'advanced-addons-for-elementor'.zip file.

          4. 提取'advanced-addons-for-elementor'.zip 文件。

            You’ll get plugin files inside 'advanced-addons-for-elementor' directory.

          5. 您将在'advanced-addons-for-elementor'目录中获得插件文件。

          6. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/'advanced-addons-for-elementor' directory.
          7. 将插件文件上传到 / wp-content / plugins /'advanced-addons-for-elementor'目录。

          8. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
          9. 通过WordPress中的“插件”屏幕激活插件。








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