老爸手机丢失后 操作频繁 请稍后再试 请问怎么解决 ?急急急

小程序 文章 2020-07-31 00:01 646 0 全屏看文


老爸手机丢失后 操作频繁 请稍后再试 请问怎么解决 ?急急急

我爸妈在做早餐生意,昨天凌晨手机被人偷走了, 早上八点左右补办了手机号码 在新手机登陆微信提示 操作频繁 请稍后登陆 现在做早餐离不开微信了,我还以为晚上会好 结果现在到了半夜了 还没好 请给解决一下啊 明天还要做买卖呢 这样都不知道能不能收到钱,而且手机丢了由于没有上锁 也不知道他们怎么知道的微信密码还被盗刷了2300多块钱 都是十块十块的红包发的。 微信现在太让人揪心了, 我离我爸妈比较远 微信手机端冻结账户失败 让我找客服 凌晨3点丢的手机 我 打客服电话让我用手机微信冻结 手机微信还冻结失败让打电话。真服气了, 其他的也不说了, 这个操作频繁能不能帮忙解决下啊?谢谢。

My parents are doing breakfast business. Their mobile phones were stolen in the early morning of last night. They reissued their mobile phone number around 8:00 in the morning. They login on the new mobile phone and prompted frequent operations. Please log in later. Now we can't do breakfast without wechat. I thought it would be good in the evening. It's midnight now, but it's not good. Please solve it. We'll do business tomorrow In this way, I don't know whether I can receive the money or not, and the mobile phone is lost. Because there is no lock and I don't know how they know the wechat password, more than 2300 yuan of money has been swiped, all of which were sent in red packets of 10 yuan and 10 yuan. Wechat is too worrying now. I'm far away from my parents. I failed to freeze my account on the wechat mobile phone. Let me find the mobile phone that customer service lost at 3:00 a.m. I made a customer service call and asked me to freeze my mobile phone wechat with my mobile phone. If the wechat fails to freeze, let me make a phone call. I'm really convinced. I won't say anything else. Can you help me solve this problem? thank you.



我倒还好 我爸妈岁数大了 他们不太会操作,都我打电话指挥的 俩人到现在还没睡 微信支付密码也不知道怎么让外人知道的,他们也已经报案了,我本来还想登陆上去被盗申赔的 结果现在一直登陆不上去。





钻级赞助商 我要加入



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