[wordpress插件] Ads EZAds EZ

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-05 11:00 639 0 全屏看文






Ads EZ is a clever program to serve your ads to multiple web sites.

Ads EZ 是一个聪明的程序,可以将您的广告投放到多个网站。

It can work as standalone web application or as a WordPress plugin.


Using Ads EZ, you can centralize your banner ads in one location, and use simple shortcodes to place them on your blog pages, or generate invocation codes to place them on any other

使用 Ads EZ ,您可以将横幅广告集中在一个位置,并使用简单的短代码将其放置在博客页面上,或者生成调用代码以将其放置在其他任何

web sites or blogs.


In the Pro version, you can even serve HTML ads with the same shortcode and invocation code mechanism.


Sunset Edition


This update of the plugin is the last publicly released version.


We do not expect to make any serious changes or add new features to it from now on.


We may not always be able to provide prompt support for this plugin on the WordPress.org forums.


If you would like to have professional support or extra/custom features, consider buying the


"nofollow">Pro version.

“ nofollow”>专业版。

Do you have multiple websites which you monetize using advertising?


If so, this personal ad server may be the right tool for you.


Ads EZ makes it easy for you to set up an optimized ad server that can service your websites.

Ads EZ 使您可以轻松设置可为您的网站提供服务的优化广告服务器。

Aiming at simplicity, Ads EZ does away with all the complicated zone and expiry settings.

为了简化起见,Ads EZ取消了所有复杂的区域和有效期设置。

All you have to do is to collect your banners in a folder, upload them and specify their targets using a simple and intuitive interface.


Live Demo


Ads EZ admin interface is feature-rich, user-friendly and functional.

Ads EZ管理界面功能丰富,用户友好且功能强大。

Please visit this fully operational live demo site to see what


it can do for you.


Now available in your language using Google Translate.




    • Fully Automated Setup: Ads EZ gets you started within two minutes, rather than hours and days.
    • 全自动设置 Ads EZ 可让您在两分钟内开始操作,而无需花费数小时和几天的时间。

    • Modern Admin Interface: Ads EZ sports a modern and beautiful admin interface based on the twitter bootstrap framework.

    • 现代管理界面 Ads EZ 具有基于twitter引导框架的现代且美观的管理界面。

      Fully responsive, with editable tables to set up and modify your ads.

    • 完全响应,可编辑表格可设置和修改广告。

    • Admin Interface Tour: A slick tour will take you around the admin page and familiarize you with its features.
    • 管理界面导览:一个简短的导览将带您浏览管理页面并熟悉其功能。

    • Generous Help for Admin: Whenever you need help, the information and hint is only a click away in Ads EZ.

    • 对管理员的慷慨帮助:每当您需要帮助时,只需单击 Ads EZ 中的信息和提示即可。

      (In fact, it is only a mouseover away.)

    • (实际上,只需将鼠标悬停即可。)

    • No Coding Required: Ads EZ is written for creative people who have some ads in the form of banners or ad codes.

    • 无需编码 Ads EZ 是为广告素材带有横幅或广告代码形式的创意人士编写的。

      So it doesn’t call for any deep computing knowledge.


      The most you will have to do is perhaps to cut and paste some ad code.

    • 您最需要做的就是剪切并粘贴一些广告代码。

    • Batch Processing: Ads EZ makes it a cinch to get your existing banners into your database through an intuitive batch processing.
    • 批处理 Ads EZ 使您可以通过直观的批处理将现有标语添加到数据库中。

    • Memory Caching: Ads EZ uses memory caching where available so that the database access is minimized.

    • 内存缓存 Ads EZ 在可用的情况下使用内存缓存,以最大程度地减少对数据库的访问。

      Caching can tremendously improve performance of busy sites.

    • 缓存可以极大地提高繁忙站点的性能。

    • Robust Security: Unbreakable authentication (using hash and salt), impervious to SQL injection etc.
    • 强大的安全性:牢不可破的身份验证(使用哈希和盐),不受SQL注入等的影响。

    • Data Validation: Client-side and server-side data validation to minimize data errors.
    • 数据验证:客户端和服务器端数据验证,以最大程度地减少数据错误。

    Ads EZ is available as a freely distributed lite version and a Pro version, which adds a ton of extra features.


    Pro Features


    If the following features are important to you, consider buying the Pro version.

    如果以下功能对您很重要,请考虑购买 Pro 版本。

      • Cache Visualization and Management: You can see detailed cache statics in the Pro version, and options to set the cache expiry, and to manually clear it, if needed.

      • 缓存的可视化和管理:您可以在 Pro 版本中查看详细的缓存静态信息,以及用于设置缓存过期和手动清除(如果需要)的选项。

      • CDN Support: Put your static files, such as your banners, on a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for improved performance.
      • CDN支持:将静态文件(例如横幅)放置在Content Delivery Network(CDN)上,以提高性能。

      • In-Browser Banner Uploads: The Pro version lets you upload multiple banners (through drag and drop) and enter their meta data.

      • 浏览器内横幅广告上传 Pro 版本可让您(通过拖放)上传多个横幅广告并输入其元数据。

        In the lite version, you would manually upload the banners to your server and run a batch to do it.

      • 在精简版中,您将手动将标语上传到服务器并运行批处理来完成。

      • Statistics and Charts: The Pro version can optionally collect statistics about your ad serving and present you with detailed performance reports and charts, including geolocation.
      • 统计信息和图表 Pro 版本可以选择收集有关广告投放的统计信息,并为您提供详细的效果报告和图表,包括地理位置。

      • Category Management: In the Pro version, you can have as many ad categories as you want.

      • 类别管理:在 Pro 版本中,您可以根据需要设置任意多个广告类别。

        The lite version comes with three categories, and adding more would require direct database manipulation.

      • 精简版包含三个类别,添加更多类别将需要直接对数据库进行操作。

      • HTML Ads: The Pro version allows you to store and serve HTML and JavaScript ads such as AdSense and other providers.

      • HTML Ads Pro 版本允许您存储和投放HTML和JavaScript广告,例如AdSense和其他提供商。

        The lite version is limited to banner ads.

      • 精简版仅限横幅广告。

      • OpenX Replacement: Ads EZ is designed to be drop-in replacement for OpenX.

      • OpenX替换:Ads EZ旨在直接替代OpenX。

        In the Pro, you can generate the .htaccess directives that will make your Ads EZ app act like your OpenX server to the world.

      • Pro 中,您可以生成 .htaccess 指令,使您的Ads EZ应用像世界上的OpenX服务器一样发挥作用。


The easiest way to install this plugin is to use the WordPress Admin interface.

安装此插件的最简单方法是使用WordPress Admin界面。

Go to your admin dashboard, find the “Plugins” menu, and click on “Add New”.


Find this plugin and click on “Install Now” and follow the WordPress instructions.


If you want to download it and manually install, you can again use the WordPress dashboard interface.


First download the plugin zip file to your local computer.


Then go to your admin dashboard, find the “Plugins” menu, and click on “Add New”.


After clicking on the “Add New” menu item as above, click on “Upload” (below the title “Install Plugins” near the top).


Browse for your downloaded zip file, upload it and activate the plugin.


Further updates (and Pro upgrades and module installations) to the plugin can be done easily from the plugin admin page itself, by clicking on the Updates button on the top right corner.


Standalone Mode


    1. Upload the contents of the archive ads-ez to your server.
    2. 将存档 ads-ez 的内容上传到您的服务器。

    3. Browse to the admin location of your uploaded the package (http://yourserver/ads-ez/admin, for example) using your web browser.
    4. 使用网络浏览器浏览到您上传的软件包的管理位置(例如, http:// yourserver / ads-ez / admin )。

    5. Enter the DB details and set up and Admin account in a couple of minutes and you are done with the installation!
    6. 在几分钟之内输入数据库详细信息并设置和Admin帐户,即可完成安装!

    Note that in the second step, your web server will try to create a configuration file where you uploaded the ads-ez package.

    请注意,在第二步中,您的网络服务器将尝试创建配置文件,并在其中上传了 ads-ez 包。

    If it cannot do that because of permission issues, you will have to create an empty file dbCfg.php and make it writeable.

    如果由于权限问题而无法执行此操作,则必须创建一个空文件 dbCfg.php 并使其可写。

    Don’t worry, the setup will prompt you for it with detailed instructions.


    To get started with Ad Serving


      1. Upload your banners to the banners folder on your server and hit the Batch Process menu item to provide banner data.
      2. 将横幅广告上传到服务器上的banners文件夹,然后单击“批处理”菜单项以提供横幅数据。

      3. Get the invocation codes and place them on your websites to start serving ads.
      4. 获取调用代码并将其放在您的网站上以开始投放广告。

      5. Take a tour to learn the program features.
      6. 游览以了解程序功能。








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