[wordpress插件] DPlayer for WordPressWordPress的DPlayer

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-21 22:30 1256 0 全屏看文



DPlayer is such a lovely HTML5 danmaku video player by DIYGod, and it’s used on many platforms.
Today, DPlayer is coming to WordPress.

Usage is rather simple, and here is the template of shortcode we supported.
[dplayer url=”https://anotherhome.net/DIYgod-cannot-even-discribe.mp4″ pic=”https://anotherhome.com/DIYgod-cannot-even-discribe.png” autoplay=”true” danmu=”true”/]

Parameter ‘url’ is the source URL to the video file, you can upload the video to your WordPress library, then use it here.
Parameter ‘pic’ is the poster of the video. And it’s optional.
Parameter ‘autoplay’, as the name suggests, if it is true, then once the video is prepared, it starts to play . Default false and it is optional also.
Parameter ‘screenshot’, enable screenshot?. Optional and default false.
Parameter ‘loop’, enable loop?. Optional and default false.
Parameter ‘preload’, preload mode, ‘auto’, ‘metatdata’ or ‘none’. Optional and default metadata.
Parameter ‘hotkey’, enable builtin hotkey? including left, right and Space. Optional and default true.
Parameter ‘bilibili’, bilibili视频AV号 或者 完整的bilibili视频链接. Additional danmaku from bilibili
Parameter ‘danmu’, should DPlayer load danmaku. Default false and it’s optional.

DPlayer is such a lovely HTML5 danmaku video player by DIYGod, and it’s used on many platforms.
Today, DPlayer is coming to WordPress.

Usage is rather simple, and here is the template of shortcode we supported.
[dplayer url=”https://anotherhome.net/DIYgod-cannot-even-discribe.mp4″ pic=”https://anotherhome.com/DIYgod-cannot-even-discribe.png” autoplay=”true” danmu=”true”/]

Parameter ‘url’ is the source URL to the video file, you can upload the video to your WordPress library, then use it here.
Parameter ‘pic’ is the poster of the video. And it’s optional.
Parameter ‘autoplay’, as the name suggests, if it is true, then once the video is prepared, it starts to play . Default false and it is optional also.
Parameter ‘screenshot’, enable screenshot?. Optional and default false.
Parameter ‘loop’, enable loop?. Optional and default false.
Parameter ‘preload’, preload mode, ‘auto’, ‘metatdata’ or ‘none’. Optional and default metadata.
Parameter ‘hotkey’, enable builtin hotkey? including left, right and Space. Optional and default true.
Parameter ‘bilibili’, bilibili视频AV号 或者 完整的bilibili视频链接. Additional danmaku from bilibili
Parameter ‘danmu’, should DPlayer load danmaku. Default false and it’s optional.


    1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/dplayer directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
    2. 将插件文件上传到 / wp-content / plugins / dplayer 目录,或直接通过WordPress插件屏幕安装插件。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”屏幕激活插件

    5. No configuration is needed, enjoy it!
    6. 无需任何配置,尽情享受吧!





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