[wordpress插件] Download Sender下载发件人

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-21 19:50 899 0 全屏看文



Download Sender allows you to add a download button, which when clicked displays a file sending form requiring users to enter their email address to receive a download link.


It is flexible and highly customizable with tons of customizing options to make sure to match your preference.


Here is a live demo






    • Upload file via WordPress Media Uploader.
    • 通过WordPress媒体上传器上传文件。

    • Private, Encrypted file Sending: Send files through a safe, private, and encrypted link that automatically expires to ensure your stuff does not remain online forever.
    • 私有的加密文件发送:通过安全,私有和加密的链接发送文件,该链接会自动过期,以确保您的内容不会永远在线。

    • Prevent users from spamming your file sending forms.
    • 防止用户向您的文件发送表单发送垃圾邮件。

    • Prevent inaccurate email addresses from pranksters, spam-bots, or people who are just in a hurry.

    • 防止来自恶作剧者,垃圾邮件机器人或匆匆忙忙的人的不正确的电子邮件地址。

      This feature allows to logs only the verified email address.* Set expiration times for your download links.

    • 此功能仅允许记录经过验证的电子邮件地址。*设置下载链接的到期时间。

    • Disable file sending form for logged in users.
    • 禁用已登录用户的文件发送表单。

    • Ability to enable/disable downloading logs.
    • 启用/禁用下载日志的功能。

    • Abbilty to resending download link from in the admin logs page with a simple click.
    • 只需单击一下,即可从管理日志页面重新发送下载链接。

    • Export logs to CSV file.
    • 将日志导出到CSV文件。

    • Configure URL of “Expired Link” page.
    • 配置“过期链接”页面的URL。

    • Customizable email template with different parameters: subject line, email body, from name, or from email address.
    • 可自定义的电子邮件模板,具有不同的参数:主题行,电子邮件正文,名称或电子邮件地址。

    • Customize the default form validation messages: description, email placeholder, wrong email, empty email, success, failed, already sent and already sent “Help Text”.
    • 自定义默认的表单验证消息:说明,电子邮件占位符,错误电子邮件,空电子邮件,成功,失败,已发送和已发送“帮助文本”。

    • Delete expired links.
    • 删除过期的链接。

    • Accent Colors: 4 globally defined color schemes and 3 color gradients.
    • 重点色:4种全局定义的配色方案和3种颜色渐变。

    • Unlimited colors for icons, texts and buttons.
    • 图标,文本和按钮的颜色不受限制。

    • 2 Button Hover Animation Effects.
    • 2个按钮悬停动画效果。

    • Display alert boxes as a tool-tip.
    • 将警报框显示为工具提示。

    • FontAwesome integration.
    • FontAwesome集成。

    • Translation ready.
    • 已准备好翻译。



      • Integrates well with WPBakery Page Builder.
      • WPBakery Page Builder 集成良好。

      • Add Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) to the file sending form.
      • 将Google验证码(reCAPTCHA)添加到文件发送表单中。

      • Feature to verifies the email address at sending file time to minimize the sending of emails to non-working email addresses and receiving too many bounced and returned emails.
      • 用于在发送文件时验证电子邮件地址的功能,以最大程度地减少将电子邮件发送到无效的电子邮件地址以及接收太多退回和退回的电子邮件的情况。

      • Ability to verify emails manually from the logs page.
      • 能够从日志页面手动验证电子邮件。

      • Manually enter a valid URL with ability to use URLs of files hosted on external web sites.
      • 手动输入有效的URL,可以使用外部网站上托管的文件的URL。

      • Set custom expiration times for your download links (Manually enter the number of hours or days).
      • 设置下载链接的自定义到期时间(手动输入小时数或天数)。

      • Set maximum number of times a user can download files.
      • 设置用户可以下载文件的最大次数。

      • Download counter for each file.
      • 每个文件的下载计数器。

      • Offsetting the download count for each file.
      • 抵消每个文件的下载计数。

      • Showing the download counter.
      • 显示下载计数器。

      • Send encrypted download link through admin panel.
      • 通过管理面板发送加密的下载链接。

      • Delete sent links older than a certain date.
      • 删除已发送的链接早于特定日期。

      • 9 more button hover animation effects.
      • 还有9个按钮悬停动画效果。

      • Choose custom icons from FontAwesome for your notifications.
      • 从FontAwesome中选择自定义图标以接收通知。

      • Ability to display multiple download buttons in the same page.
      • 能够在同一页面上显示多个下载按钮。

      • Create a direct single click download button.
      • 创建直接单击下载按钮。


    • Upload plugin files to your plugins folder, or install using WordPress built-in Add New Plugin installer;
    • 将插件文件上传到您的plugins文件夹,或使用WordPress内置的“添加新插件”安装程序进行安装;

    • Activate the plugin;
    • 激活插件;

    • Navigate to Plugin Settings and fill settings.
    • 导航至插件设置并填写设置。

    How To Use


    "}]; jQuery(function(){ $("#article_content").find("a").each(function(){ var url = $(this).attr("href"); for(var i=0;i"+c+"

    "); } } }) })