[wordpress插件] Douban Collections豆瓣收藏

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-21 13:01 613 0 全屏看文



Douban Collections provides a douban collections (books, movies, musics) page for WordPress, just put “[douban_collections]” in your Post or Page to show the douban books collections page. This tag support

Douban Collections provides a douban collections (books, movies, musics) page for WordPress, just put “[douban_collections]” in your Post or Page to show the douban books collections page. This tag support

2 parameters: “category” and “with_user_info”. For example, you can put “[douban_collections category=”movie” with_user_info=”true”]” to show the movies collections page with douban user info.

2 parameters: “category” and “with_user_info”. For example, you can put “[douban_collections category =” movie ”with_user_info =” true ”]” to show the movies collections page with douban user info.

Douban Collections (豆瓣收藏) 是一个WordPress插件。

Douban Collections (Douban Collections) is a WordPress plugin.


Users can display the books they want to read, read and read, and the movies they want to watch and watch as a page of WordPress, which supports custom display of the number of books and display style.

在WordPress的post或page里面加上 “[douban_collections]” 即可显示带用户信息的“豆瓣收藏”书籍页面。

Add "[douban_collections]" to the WordPress post or page to display the "Douban Collection" book page with user information.

同时支持category和with_user_info两个参数,比如“[douban_collections category=”movie” with_user_info=”true”]”可以显示带用户信息的电影页面。

It also supports category and with_user_info two parameters, such as "[douban_collections category =" movie "with_user_info =" true "]" can display the movie page with user information.

View live demo

View live demo

在线 demo

Online demo

For latest update, please check github repository:

For latest update, please check github repository:




  1. Upload and unpack the douban-collections plugin to wordpress plugin directory “wp-content/plugins/douban-collections”
  2. Activate Douban Collections plugin on your Plugins page in Site Admin.
  3. Create a “Douban” page (use “Page Full Width” template to get more width)
  4. Put “[douban_collections]” in the content and save it. (the default is [douban_collections category=”book” with_user_info=”true”], also support movie: [douban_collections category=”movie”])
  5. Set your douban user id or username and tweak configuration and settings on Douban Collections page in Site Admin Settigns section
  6. Check the newly created page, enjoy
  1. 解压 douban-collections 插件到 wordpress plugin 目录 **”wp-content/plugins/douban-collections”**
  2. 在后台插件管理界面激活 **Douban Collections** 插件
  3. 创建一个 “Douban” 的页面,如果主题支持的话,建议使用没有边栏(sidebar)的page template,以获得最宽的展示页面
  4. 在上面创建的页面里加上 “[douban_collections]” 并保存,此默认等同于“[douban_collections category=”book” with_user_info=”true”]”,显示电影可使用“[douban_collections category=”movie”]”
  5. 在后台插件管理设置界面自定义 **Douban Collections** 插件,务必填上您的豆瓣用户id或username
  6. 访问刚创建的页面,have fun

  1. Upload and unpack the douban-collections plugin to wordpress plugin directory “wp-content/plugins/douban-collections”
  2. Activate Douban Collections plugin on your Plugins page in Site Admin.
  3. Create a “Douban” page (use “Page Full Width” template to get more width)
  4. Put “[douban_collections]” in the content and save it. (the default is [douban_collections category=”book” with_user_info=”true”], also support movie: [douban_collections category=”movie”])
  5. Set your douban user id or username and tweak configuration and settings on Douban Collections page in Site Admin Settigns section
  6. Check the newly created page, enjoy
  1. 解压 douban-collections 插件到 wordpress plugin 目录 **”wp-content/plugins/douban-collections”**
  2. 在后台插件管理界面激活 **Douban Collections** 插件
  3. 创建一个 “Douban” 的页面,如果主题支持的话,建议使用没有边栏(sidebar)的page template,以获得最宽的展示页面
  4. 在上面创建的页面里加上 “[douban_collections]” 并保存,此默认等同于“[douban_collections category=”book” with_user_info=”true”]”,显示电影可使用“[douban_collections category=”movie”]”
  5. 在后台插件管理设置界面自定义 **Douban Collections** 插件,务必填上您的豆瓣用户id或username
  6. 访问刚创建的页面,have fun





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