[wordpress插件] DocxpressoDocxpresso

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-20 21:40 641 0 全屏看文



If you are used to write all your documents using a Office Suite Word Processor or Spreadsheets like the ones available in MS Office, Libre Office or Open Office

如果您习惯使用Office Suite字处理器或电子表格(如MS Office,Libre Office或Open Office中可用的电子表格)编写所有文档,则

"PDF, Word and ODF documents from HTML5" rel="nofollow">Docxpresso is the WordPress plugin you are looking for!

“ HTML5的PDF,Word和ODF文档” rel =“ nofollow”> Docxpresso 是您正在寻找的WordPress插件!

This plugin will allow you to publish content that has been generated with your favourite Office Suite (MS, Libre or Open Office) preserving all of its structure, design and format:

此插件将允许您发布使用您最喜欢的Office Suite(MS,Libre或Open Office)生成的内容,并保留其所有结构,设计和格式:

    • Nicely formatted text
    • 格式精美的文本

    • Headings
    • 标题

    • Tables (sortable and responsive)
    • 表(可排序和响应式)

    • Links and bookmarks
    • 链接和书签

    • Nested lists with sophisticated numberings
    • 带有复杂编号的嵌套列表

    • Images
    • 图片

    • Charts
    • 图表

    • Textboxes
    • 文本框

    • Footnotes and endnotes
    • 脚注和尾注

    • Headers and Footers
    • 页眉和页脚

    • Tables of contents (TOCs)
    • 目录(TOC)

    • Comments
    • 评论

    • Math equations
    • 数学方程式

    • Drop caps
    • 瓶盖

    • Office SmartArt and forms (partial)
    • Office SmartArt和表单(部分)

    • Support for Right-To-Left languages
    • 对从右到左语言的支持

You may even create sortable tables or even export your charts in a browser friendly manner.


This plugin is a spin-off of our Docxpresso API library

此插件是我们Docxpresso API 库的衍生产品

designed to generate all kind of dynamical documents on your web server (PDF, Word, ODT, RTF).


If you use our plugin we would be very thankful if you fulfill this simple online survery.


How to use it


NOTE: If you have updated to WP5.* or you are using the Gutenberg editor plugin you should also have a look at the Gutenberg – WP5 Block editor section of

注意::如果您已更新到WP5。*或使用的是Gutenberg编辑器插件,还应该查看以下内容的 Gutenberg – WP5块编辑器部分

this page.


    1. Create a standard document with the content that you want to insert in your Post or Page using your favourite Word Processor or Spreadsheet (MS Word, Libre Office or Open Office).
    2. 使用您喜欢的文字处理程序或电子表格(MS Word,Libre Office或Open Office)创建一个标准文档,其中包含您要在文章或页面中插入的内容。

    3. IMPORTANT: Save your document in .odt (or .ods format for spreadsheets) format.

    4. 重要提示:以 .odt (或电子表格为 .ods 格式)保存文档。

      In MS Word choose OpenDocument (.odt) in your Save As dialogue (in Libre or Open Office is the default format).

      在MS Word中,在另存为对话框中选择OpenDocument( .odt)(默认为Libre或Open Office)。

      If you are working with Excel you may equivalently save it in Open Document Format (.ods in this case).

    5. 如果您使用的是Excel,则可以等效地将其保存为Open Document Format(在这种情况下为 .ods)。

    6. Create or edit a Post or Page in your WordPress interface.
    7. 在WordPress界面中创建或编辑帖子或页面。

    8. Click the Insert Document button located over the text editor.
    9. 点击文本编辑器上方的插入文档按钮。

    10. A standard WordPress media window will open.

    11. 一个标准的WordPress媒体窗口将打开。

      You may upload a new document with the required contents or use a previously uploaded document.

    12. 您可以上传具有所需内容的新文档,也可以使用以前上传的文档。

    13. After choosing a file click on the Insert button.
    14. 选择文件后,点击插入按钮。

    15. A [docxpresso] shortcode will be included within your text editor.

    16. [docxpresso]短代码将包含在您的文本编辑器中。

    17. You may then add or not any additional content to your post but do not try to modify by hand the contents of the Docxpresso shortcode unless you really know what you are doing.
    18. 然后您可以在帖子中添加或不添加任何其他内容,但是除非您真的知道自己在做什么,否则不要尝试手动修改Docxpresso短代码的内容。

    19. You may insert as many documents as you wish in a single Post or Page.
    20. 您可以在单个帖子或页面中插入任意数量的文档。

    NOTE: You may use also Docxpresso plugin in conjunction with other plugins that allow to retrieve documents from cloud storage repositories like Amazon S3.

    注意::您还可以将Docxpresso插件与其他插件结合使用,这些插件允许从Amazon S3之类的云存储库中检索文档。

    Check this video tutorial where you will find a detailed example of all the above:



    In case you want to make any of your tables sortable you also should:


      1. Declare the first row of your table as a header row within your Office document
      2. 在Office文档中将表格的第一行声明为标题行

      3. insert a “@” symbol as the first character in every column that you wish to be sortable
      4. 在希望排序的每一列中插入“ @”符号作为第一个字符

      5. If you want to sort columns by numbers that do not follow the en-US standard, ie 3,576.45, you should modify the number format for sorting in your plugin options panel under the Settings section of your

      6. 如果您要按不符合美国标准的数字(即3,576.45)对列进行排序,则应在插件选项面板的设置部分下修改数字格式以进行排序

        WordPress installation

      7. WordPress安装

      You may check how to do it with the help of this video:



      Since v2.1 you may also insert in your document a link to a yotube video, a Google form or a Google doc to render it in your WordPress post or page:


        1. Go to youtube, Google forms or Google docs interfaces and copy the offered share link
        2. 转到youtube,Google表单或Google文档界面,然后复制提供的共享链接

        3. Always use, if available, the short URL format
        4. 始终使用简短的URL格式(如果可用)

        5. Insert it into your office document as a link
        6. 将其作为链接插入到您的Office文档中

        7. By default the videos are fluid and the forms and docs take all available width space.

        8. 默认情况下,视频流畅,并且表单和文档占用所有可用的宽度空间。

          But you can set custom width and height by adding, for example, ‘?width=600&height=400’ to the link URL

        9. 但是您可以通过在链接网址中添加“?width = 600&height = 400”来设置自定义宽度和高度

        You may see an example in the following video:



        Gutenberg – WP5 Block editor

        Gutenberg – WP5块编辑器

        Since v2.3 this plugin is compatible with the new “WP block editor”, also known as Gutenberg:

        自v2.3起,此插件与新的“ WP块编辑器”(也称为古腾堡)兼容:

          1. Click on the Docxpresso block that is available together with all the standard widget blocks within your block editor interface.
          2. 在块编辑器界面中单击 Docxpresso块以及所有标准 widget块

          3. A new block will appear in the editor interface with a button inviting you to select a file.
          4. 编辑器界面中将出现一个新块,其中有一个按钮邀请您选择文件。

          5. Clicking on that button a standard WordPress media window will open.

          6. 单击该按钮将打开一个标准WordPress媒体窗口。

            You may upload a new document with the required contents or use a previously uploaded document.

          7. 您可以上传具有所需内容的新文档,也可以使用以前上传的文档。

          8. After clicking on the “Select button” a shortcode will be inserted in your editor.
          9. 单击“选择”按钮后,将在您的编辑器中插入一个短代码。

          10. As before, if you wish, you may insert multiple documents with Docxpresso in the same page or post and combine them with all other available blocks.
          11. 像以前一样,如果您愿意,可以在同一页面中插入多个带有Docxpresso的文档,或者将其与所有其他可用块合并在一起。

          NOTE: With this new editor you need to save the edition before being able to visualize the uploaded document in the preview page.



          If you prefer to use the “Classical editor” in your WP5 installation you may proceed as described in the previous section.




          This work is licensed under GPLv2 or later.


          This plugin comes bundled with the D3 and C3 JavaScript libraries for chart rendering, the webui-popover library for comment rendering and the MathJax library for rendering of math equations in a web browser.

          此插件与D3和C3 JavaScript库(用于图表渲染),webui-popover库(用于注释渲染)和MathJax库(用于在Web浏览器中渲染数学方程式)捆绑在一起。

          D3 (http://d3js.org) is distributed under the BSD license, MathJax (https://www.mathjax.org/) and dropcap.js (https://github.com/adobe-webplatform/dropcap.js


          ) under the Apache license v2.0 , C3 (http://c3js.org/) and webui-popover (https://github.com/sandywalker/webui-popover) are distributed under the MIT license .



From your WordPress dashboard


    1. Visit ‘Plugins > Add New’.
    2. 访问“插件>新增”。

    3. Search for Docxpresso.
    4. 搜索 Docxpresso

    5. Activate Docxpresso from your Plugins page.
    6. 从“插件”页面激活Docxpresso。

    From WordPress.org


      1. Download Docxpresso.
      2. 下载Docxpresso。

      3. Upload the ‘docxpresso’ directory to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
      4. 将“ docxpresso”目录上传到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录。

      5. Activate Docxpresso from your Plugins page.
      6. 从“插件”页面激活Docxpresso。





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