[wordpress插件] Document & Data Automation文件和数据自动化

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-20 19:20 1247 0 全屏看文



If you need to gather end user information, generate dynamical documents, manage all collected data


or even sign contracts directly from your WordPress website this is the tool you are looking for.


This plugin is a WordPress interface for our Docxpresso cloud service (Get


a free trial).


It allows


for the integration of full front end Docxpresso functionality within your WordPress website.


Just by uploading a document template to Docxpresso you will convert a simple Word document


into a fullfledged app that will allow you to:


* Generate online interactive documents with “active zones” that may be edited directly from the browser.


* Generate sophisticated web forms directly tailored from the uploaded document.


* Generate dynamical documents in any format (PDF, Word, ODT or RTF) using your end user input data and the original Word template.


* Manage all collected data and export it to HTML and Excel formats.


* Anchor inmutable proof of your documents to the Bitcoin blockchain.


* Sign documents & contracts from your WordPress interface.


* Launch predefined workflows


Our “Document & Data Automation” plugin will convert your WordPress website in a sophisticated document management and


document automation system that will grow with your business.


How to use it


Publish an interactive document or web form:


    1. Create or edit a post or page as usual from your WordPress admin interface.
    2. 照常从WordPress管理界面创建或编辑帖子或页面。

    3. Click the Docxpresso SaaS button located over the text editor.
    4. 点击文本编辑器上方的 Docxpresso SaaS 按钮。

    5. A pop up will open with the a full directory tree of all the documet templates available in your Docxpresso cloud installation.
    6. 将打开一个弹出窗口,其中包含Docxpresso云安装中可用的所有documet模板的完整目录树。

    7. Click on the folder of your choice and a pop up will open with the list of available document templates.
    8. 点击您选择的文件夹,然后会弹出一个弹出窗口,其中列出了可用文档模板

    9. Choose insert into WordPress if you want the document/form to be embedded within your post/page or print link if you just want to forward your visitors to your Docxpresso installation.
    10. 如果您希望将文档/表格嵌入到帖子/页面中,则选择插入WordPress,或者如果您只想将访问者转发到Docxpresso安装,则选择打印链接。

    11. Navigate through the list and choose the desired template by clicking on the Insert button (for interactive documents) or Web Form button (for an standard web form).<

    12. 浏览列表,然后单击插入按钮(对于交互式文档)或 Web表单按钮(对于标准Web表单),选择所需的模板。<


      / li>

    13. A shortcode [docxpresso_document] will be inserted with the selected options.
    14. 将使用所选选项插入一个简码[docxpresso_document]。

    15. Write any additional content if needed and save the post/page
    16. 根据需要写其他任何内容并保存帖子/页面


    Browse generated document and data directly from your WordPress interface:


      1. Click on the Docxpreso SaaS button of your main WordPress admin menu.
      2. 点击WordPress主菜单的 Docxpreso SaaS 按钮。

      3. Choose the Templates option.
      4. 选择模板选项。

      5. You will be redirected to the Data Management interface where you will be able to filter by name and category the template data and generated documents that you wish to browse.
      6. 您将被重定向到数据管理界面,在该界面中,您可以按名称过滤和分类模板数据以及您希望浏览的生成文档。

      7. Click on the name of the desired template and you will be redirected to a page with all the uses of that template.
      8. 单击所需模板的名称,您将被重定向到包含该模板的所有用途的页面。

      9. You may, if you wish, filter the data by dates or other associated fields.
      10. 如果愿意,可以按日期或其他关联字段过滤数据。

      11. You then may access bulk data in CSV format or access the data for a single use by clicking in the corresponding button.
      12. 然后,您可以以CSV格式访问批量数据,或通过单击相应的按钮来访问一次性使用的数据。

      13. You may also, at any time, download the associated documents by clicking on the Download button located at the right of each usage.
      14. 您还可以随时通过单击每种用法右侧的下载按钮来下载相关文档。

      Of course, you may also access all this data and documents from your Docxpresso installation backoffice interface where you can enjoy more sophisticated filtering options and many other goodies.



      You may also learn how to anchor the generated documents to the Bitcoin blockchain with the following video:



      Advanced users


      You may now forward arbitrary data to a Docxpresso template by defining the function forwardDocxpressoData($data) somewhere in your WP installation:

      您现在可以通过在WP安装中的某个位置定义函数 forwardDocxpressoData($ data),将任意数据转发到Docxpresso模板:

        • The functions.php file of your theme or preferably a child theme to avoid issues when updating the theme.
        • 您的主题(最好是子主题)的functions.php文件,以避免在更新主题时出现问题。

        • The custom.php file that comes bundle within your plugin.

        • 插件中随附的custom.php文件。

          In this case you should be carefully to backup it before updating the plugin.

        • 在这种情况下,您应该在更新插件之前仔细备份它。

        Within this function you may request, for example, user and post data via wp_get_current_user() and get_post() native WordPress functions as well as


        Docxpresso template data like the template id stored in $data[‘template’].

        Docxpresso模板数据,例如存储在$ data [‘template’]中的模板ID。

        The function forwardDocxpressoData($data) should return the modified $data array including a ‘varData’ key that should follow the following structure:

        函数forwardDocxpressoData($ data)应该返回修改后的$ data数组,其中包括一个“ varData”键,该键应遵循以下结构:

        $data[‘varData’] = ‘{“varValues”:{“variable_1”:[“value_1″],”variable_2”:[“value_2”]}}’;

        $ data ['varData'] ='{“ varValues”:{“ variable_1”:[“ value_1”],“ variable_2”:[“ value_2”]}}}';

        Where variable_1 and variable_2 should correspond to variables in the Docxpresso template, otherwise they will be ignored.

        variable_1 variable_2 应该与Docxpresso模板中的变量相对应的位置,否则将被忽略。

        You may see an example on how to do it in here: Export data to a template.

        “ title =”文档和数据自动化:将数据从WordPress转发到Docxpresso模板“ rel =” nofollow“>将数据导出到模板。



        This work is licensed under GPLv2 or later.


        This plugin comes bundled with:


        * iFrameResizer JavaScript library (https://github.com/davidjbradshaw/iframe-resizer)

        * iFrameResizer JavaScript库(https://github.com/davidjbradshaw/iframe-resizer)

        * Peity jQuery plugin (http://benpickles.github.io/peity)

        * Peity jQuery插件(http://benpickles.github.io/peity)

        * jquery.mask.js JQuery plugin (http://blog.igorescobar.com)

        * jquery.mask.js JQuery插件(http://blog.igorescobar.com)

        * sha.js (http://caligatio.github.com/jsSHA/)

        * sha.js(http://caligatio.github.com/jsSHA/)

        All of them enjoying a MIT license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) but sha.js that enjoys a BSD license (https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-





In order to use this plugin you need an active Docxpresso SaaS account.

要使用此插件,您需要一个有效的Docxpresso SaaS帐户。

You may ask for a free trial in: http://saas.docxpresso.net


From your WordPress dashboard


    1. Visit ‘Plugins > Add New’.
    2. 访问“插件>新增”。

    3. Search for Document & Data Automation.
    4. 搜索文档和数据自动化

    5. Activate Docxpresso integration from your Plugins page.
    6. 从“插件”页面激活Docxpresso集成。

    From WordPress.org


      1. Download Docxpresso.
      2. 下载Docxpresso。

      3. Upload the ‘Document & Data Automation’ directory to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
      4. 将“文档和数据自动化”目录上载到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录。

      5. Activate Docxpresso integration from your Plugins page.
      6. 从“插件”页面激活Docxpresso集成。



      Once you have activated the plugin you should click on the “Docxpresso SaaS” > Options link available from your main

      激活插件后,应点击主菜单中的“ Docxpresso SaaS”>“选项”链接

      WP admin menu and provide the following data:


      Main configuration options:


      * The URL to your private Docxpresso installation


      * The Docxpresso API key

      * Docxpresso API密钥

      * The email of the ADMIN Docxpresso user

      * ADMIN Docxpresso用户的电子邮件地址

      General options:


      * Default redirection page


      * Default thanks message




      * Document frame styles (border)


      * Thanks message styles (border, background-color and font options)



