[wordpress插件] Delete-Revision删除修订

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-15 00:10 999 0 全屏看文



Revision Post is in the 2.6 version of WordPress after the automatic accession to the revised edition of the journal preservation cause, you modify a log of each, will add a revision, if you modify many times, log on the few speeches, it will be a very frightening number!

If you have 100 on the log, your revisiong redundancy may be as many as 1,000 articles!

For personal blog, one of the many articles that there are many versions of the amendment is a waste of resources, excessive revisiong will increase the burden on the database, to slow down the speed wordpress! Perhaps the revision team for the blog, in some ways useful. Most people, or a good cut.

Revision Manager is the end came, to delete a large number of redundant revision to increase the speed of implementation of the SQL statement, WordPress upgrade the speed there is a lot of benefits!

Thank you for your use. I hope this will give you convenient plug-ins!


2009-06-30 v1.3.1
Increased the database maintenance and the optimization

2008-11-24 v1.2
An increase of the international language support

2008-11-24 v1.1
Fix bugs cann’t runat where the datebase name is not the default “wp-” and some description.
2008-10-21 v1.0
First public ver1.0

Revision Post is in the 2.6 version of WordPress after the automatic accession to the revised edition of the journal preservation cause, you modify a log of each, will add a revision, if you modify many times, log on the few speeches, it will be a very frightening number!

If you have 100 on the log, your revisiong redundancy may be as many as 1,000 articles!

For personal blog, one of the many articles that there are many versions of the amendment is a waste of resources, excessive revisiong will increase the burden on the database, to slow down the speed wordpress! Perhaps the revision team for the blog, in some ways useful. Most people, or a good cut.

Revision Manager is the end came, to delete a large number of redundant revision to increase the speed of implementation of the SQL statement, WordPress upgrade the speed there is a lot of benefits!

Thank you for your use. I hope this will give you convenient plug-ins!


2009-06-30 v1.3.1
Increased the database maintenance and the optimization

2008-11-24 v1.2
An increase of the international language support

2008-11-24 v1.1
Fix bugs cann’t runat where the datebase name is not the default “wp-” and some description.
2008-10-21 v1.0
First public ver1.0


Upload the Delete-Revision plugin to your blog, Activate it, then goto Control Pannel ,choose the “Revision Manager” , choose the button and go next to select all , submit use the button to clean.

将Delete-Revision插件上传到您的博客,激活它,然后转到Control Pannel,选择“ Revision Manager”,选择按钮,然后选择全部,然后使用按钮进行清理。

You’re done!






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