[wordpress插件] DB Error Customizer – FreeDB错误定制程序–免费

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-13 07:21 726 0 全屏看文



Database not responding is a very common issue in hosting a WordPress website.


Instead of showing a blank page with an error message Error establishing a database connection, DB Error Customizer helps you to handle it professionally.

DB Error Customizer可以帮助您专业地处理它,而不是显示带有错误消息建立数据库连接错误的空白页。

Not only you can easily customize a beautifully designed database error page using our predefined templates, it tells your visitors that everything is under control.


Premium Support


Our team does not always provide active support for the DB Error Customizer plugin on the WordPress.org.

我们的团队并不总是为WordPress.org上的DB Error Customizer插件提供积极的支持。

One-on-one email support is available to people who bought the DB Error Customizer Premium plugin only.

购买了 DB Error Customizer Premium 插件的用户可以使用一对一的电子邮件支持。

Note that the DB Error Customizer Premium plugin has many extra features too, including beautifully designed templates, animation effects and auto email alert.

请注意,DB Error Customizer Premium插件也具有许多额外功能,包括设计精美的模板,动画效果和自动电子邮件警报。

It might be well worth your investment!


Below are the features of DB Error Customizer:

以下是DB Error Customizer的功能:

    • Comes with basic templates and allows you to customize:

    • 带有基本模板,并允许您自定义:

        • Main message to show your visitor, instead of standard error
        • 显示访问者的主要消息,而不是标准错误

        • Sub message below main message
        • 主消息下方的子消息

        • Font size adjustment
        • 字体大小调整

        • Font color adjustment
        • 字体颜色调整

        • Background color
        • 背景色

      • Preview customized output before saving
      • 在保存之前预览自定义输出

      • Inform search engine that the error page is temporarily (HTTP 500 Internal Server Error header) and it should not cache it
      • 通知搜索引擎该错误页面是临时页面(HTTP 500 Internal Server Error标头),并且不应对其进行缓存

      Customize DB Error Page


      After enabling DB Error Customizer, you can access it at Settings->DB Error Customizer.

      启用DB Error Customizer后,您可以在设置-> DB Error Customizer 中访问它。

      Below is description of each feature:


        • Template: Drop down option for you to select a predefined templates.

        • 模板:下拉选项,供您选择预定义的模板。

          The selected template will unlock different other options.


          (Free version only supports basic template)

        • (免费版仅支持基本模板)

        • Background Color: Change background color via color picker.
        • 背景色:通过颜色选择器更改背景色。

        • Font Color: Change main/sub title color via color picker.
        • 字体颜色:通过颜色选择器更改主标题/副标题颜色。

        • Main Title: The main title of database error page.
        • 主要标题:数据库错误页面的主要标题。

        • Main Title Size: The size of main title.
        • 主标题大小:主标题的大小。

        • Sub Title: The sub title of database error page.
        • 副标题:数据库错误页面的副标题。

        • Sub Title Size: The size of sub title.
        • 副标题大小:副标题的大小。

        Preview: When you press Preview button at the bottom of dashboard, a message box will apear at the top of dashboard with message Preview page generated successfully!


        Click Preview to proceed.


        You can press the Preview link to launch the preview page.


        Setup/Update DB Error Page: When you press Setup/Update DB Error Page button at the bottom of dashboard, the plugin will save your settings and install this customized database error page to your WordPress.


        The page will automatically show up to visitor when your website’s database does not respond.




        Please refer the developer’s site at Centil Technology.

        请访问 Centil Technology 的开发人员网站。

        If you would like to provide feedback/contact or just drop us an email, please feel free to contact us at info[at]centil[dot]co

        如果您想提供反馈/联系方式或只给我们发送电子邮件,请随时通过info [at] centil [dot] co <​​/ p>与我们联系。


Please refer the official WordPress Plugin Installation Guide to proceed.

请继续参考官方 WordPress插件安装指南

After you’ve installed and enabled DB Error Customizer, you shall goto Settings->DB Error Customizer to customize and setup the error page.


Note: If you installed an older/premium version earlier, please disable the plugin and remove it before installing a newer version.






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