[wordpress插件] Daily Image每日影像

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-11 20:00 466 0 全屏看文



Daily Image will list out any unattached media in your WordPress media library, and allow you to create a post a day featuring those images.

Daily Image将列出WordPress媒体库中所有未连接的媒体,并允许您创建包含这些图像的每日帖子。

It’s built to work well with Jetpack’s single image lightboxes and the WordPress plugin for Adobe Lightroom.

它可以与Jetpack的单个图片灯箱以及Adobe Lightroom的WordPress插件配合使用。

Daily Image makes it easy to post a new photo every day!

Daily Image使得每天发布新照片变得容易!



    1. Upload images to your media library (either through the Media page or through the WordPress Lightroom Plugin)

    2. 将图像上传到您的媒体库(通过“媒体”页面或通过 WordPress Lightroom插件


    3. Visit the “Daily Image” page under the “Posts” menu in /wp-admin/
    4. 访问 / wp-admin / 中“帖子”菜单下的“每日图像”页面

    5. Drag and drop to set the order in which you’d like your images to post.
    6. 拖放以设置图像发布的顺序。

    7. Set the title, post body, and tags for your images.
    8. 设置图像的标题,文章正文和标签。

    9. Set the date that the first image should publish.

    10. 设置第一张图像的发布日期。

      By default, this will set itself to 24 hours after your post scheduled furthest in the future.


      You can see the scheduled publish date for each picture on the right side of its title bar.

    11. 您可以在其标题栏的右侧看到每张图片的预定发布日期。

    12. Set the time that images should publish every day.

    13. 设置每天图像发布的时间。

      This is 24-hour time, so, instead of 2:15pm, you should put 14:15.

    14. 这是24小时制,因此,您应该放14:15,而不是2:15 pm。

    15. Select whether or not you’d like each image to be set as the “featured image” as well as being inserted into its post.
    16. 选择是否要将每张图片都设置为“精选图片”,并插入到其帖子中。

    17. Click “Schedule Post”
    18. 点击“时间表发布”

    19. Party!
    20. 聚会!


Just install Daily Image like any other plugin, and access it under the “Posts” menu in your WP Admin.

只需像安装其他任何插件一样安装Daily Image,然后在WP Admin中的“帖子”菜单下访问它即可。

Note that you may have a number of unattached images in your media library that you don’t wish to post.


Simply go into the Daily Image interface (under posts) and “X” out the images you don’t want to be part of your daily post series.

只需进入“每日图片”界面(在帖子下方),然后将不需要的图片“ X”出您的日常帖子系列即可。

They’ll go away forever!






钻级赞助商 我要加入



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